home j h h l . n e t: iOs Apps home

This is a real screen shot! From the days before wallpaper.
See my Apps in the App Store
I write apps that are mostly tools for exploring sound. Some of them are also thought experiments, so I make them free.
Droning and generative music:
SrutiBox, Droneo, Tondo, Wind Chimes, Ellipsynth, Enumero, Minute, Line Hum
Playable Instruments:
synthicity itself, Ellipsynth, Lake Piano, AUMI
Thought Experiments
Banshee, Yes Session, Enumero, Only A, Minute, Andymatic Zingatron
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Read about my iOs development in this blog

Apple likes to change its infrastructure a lot, so if you like running my apps on older devices, you may have to save the version you have now in case I update it to a version that cannot run on an old device. Here is a little tutorial on how to do that.
  1. You can hear a few demos and examples of various musical apps on SoundCloud
  2. Here's an interview, by Warren Burt, mostly about AUMI and Polyharp, published in the now defunct SoundBytes Magazine, September 2020 edition
  3. Here's a nice interview with me by Mark Hurst on WFMU's "Techtonic". There are lots of links in the playlist! (WFMU archives)
    Radio Interview by Mark Hurst, "Techtonic" April 9, 2018, WFMU-FM.
  4. Here's a lecture I gave at the Hudson Valley Tech Meetup in July, 2017. It automatically skips ahead 15 minutes to ge to my part. (Facebook video)
    HV Tech Meetup
  5. Listen to me talk about some of my apps on this old radio show with host Peter Wetzler on WGXC. (February 2011, but still pretty good).
links and performances
Here are links, performances, recordings, and videos by people using my apps! Thanks, folks, keep the music coming!
Here are App Reviews and Responses to them!

great app...a must have *****
by oneillrb - Version - 1.4.0 - Apr 21, 2015
this app has been good since 2008 but the 2014 iOS 8 updates rock! the app sounds great, looks great and it worth its weight in bytes.

get this app today!!

p.s., i gave the app 5 stars despite it missing audiobus support; my stars are freely given, without expectation of audiobus delivery later on. i would, however, pay for audiobus support.


Utterly Brilliant
by Jogging jim April 24, 2019
This app is a real gem. Simple to use but producing ver[y] sophisticated results. I use it to act as a fool[tool] to improvise against with sing and guitar. Highly recommended!

Pure Oneness
by soulwizardary May 12,2018
As a music maker and sound Healer this is the only app I have found and I've spent hours and hours trawling to find something that has the precision and variety using intervals that is so important. I use this in my compositions and in my mantra classes I teach. It's so good it almost makes me not want to tell anyone about it lol. Bless you for creating this simple but brilliant application. I look forward to seeing and hoping you'll continue to take this concept further. I hope with the rubbish that's out there nobody dares give this a bad review, and completely worth the money.

Beautiful inventive drones
by Keywiz - Jul 24, 2016
Meditation, creation, inspiration all within this wondrous app. Best Droner Gets much needed update!

King of the drones!
by Nkersov - Jul 22, 2016
Nice work, Henry. Out of the blue an update that restores AudioBus and IAA functionality, plus iPad interface. For drone sounds, this is brilliant.

Droneo is the drone master tool/instrument!
by miulew - Aug 1, 2016
Searching for freely adjustable drones of all kinds? The search might be over... Not only equal tempered drones but also just intuned and Partch intuned and more and more. The possibilities are endless. As well as for personal drone usage it is a powerful tool for education of music theory and sound cognitions, put into practical hands-on. Also great for "just" listening and meditations. I am highly recommending Droneo for all who seeks drone solutions!

Useful but complicated ***
by lilbix - Version - 1.3.51 - Mar 4, 2015

I find Droneo useful for practicing trumpet. The steady drone gives me a reference for intonation and allows me to improvise freely. Unfortunately the interface is extremely complicated and lacks the most useful feature: an on-off toggle. I hope the developer will include this feature at some point.

YouTube: yourpaljc
Brilliant ! Haunting & beautiful. Inspiring to use in creative music projects for recording or even live performance. The aching, melancholy voice drones are a perfect, gentle way to relax, meditate, induce calm & even aid sleep. Henry you have put something wonderful into the world here, not only an engrossing fun app. Anyone musicians lucky enough to discover Droneo will find it as cool as I do. Could be used on a daily by those practising relaxation techniques & is a steal at the price.

Bout time!!!!!
by Hashiki - Version 1.3.44 - Dec 30, 2012
Henry's apps are all top notch essentials and ive been waiting for this one my whole life even though i had no idea it ever would exist!
by Calroy
Super well designed app, beautiful UI, delicious drones. The tone spiral is brilliant. Using this app for intonation practice as well as live performing.

[synthicity itself]

Seriously UnderRated !!!!

I could not give this cat enough stars ... THE LEVEL OF IGNORANCE OF THE MAJORITY OF pEOpLE/consumerS IN THIS BARELY SOVEREIGN COUNTRY IS APPALLINGLY MORE OBVIOUS TO ME THAN EVER;SHAMEFULLY SO LOW A LEVEL SEEMS TO ASSUMED BY ALL ...NOT THIS GUY THOUGH I LOVE HIM .The only developer who's app I get after just reading their name!!! BEWARE HE THINKS & if you use his stuff yoU might TØØ?

and here's another one:
Synthicity is like no other!

by Sparkly Hippo on June 4, 2012

A very musically advanced and fun instrument! The new tones are great and very usable, whether in recording or instantly expressive play. Lowengard apps are some of the coolest in the store. Dig?


So much better than what you think it is.

by Wet Food June 27, 2020
Simply brilliant and deep

Facebook Group! You can do all that facebooky social networkery stuff to talk about my apps in this group!
SrutiBoxSrutiBox v1.3 for iOS 4.x
First available: 2008/08/25
Meditative drone synthesizer, one of the first apps in the App store (The App Store opened on July 10, 2008)

Click here to rate or write a review for SrutiBox in the app store!
See App Store Details
DroneoDroneo v1.5.2 for iOs 8.2+
First available: 2009/05/01
More ambitious drone Synthesizer. Recently Updated!

Click here to rate or write a review for Droneo in the app store!
See App Store Details
TondoTondo v1.0, iOs 3.1. to 4.2
First available: 2010/12/19
[NO LONGER IN THE APP STORE] Real time audio spectrogram painting

Click here to rate or write a review for Tondo in the app store!
EllipsynthEllipsynth v1.0
First available: 2012/11/11
[NO LONGER IN THE APP STORE] Very easy to use multitouch polyphonic granular synthesizer.

Click here to rate or write a review for Ellipsynth in the app store!
synthicity itselfsynthicity itself v1.2.4
First available: 2011/04/27
very easy to use multitouch polyphonic synthesizer.

Click here to rate or write a review for synthicity itself in the app store!
See App Store Details
Only AOnly A v1.0.7
First available: 2013/01/26
[NO LONGER IN THE APP STORE] Find the 'A's in your life, record them, and share them!

Click here to rate or write a review for Only A in the app store!
MinuteMinute v1.0.1
First available: 2011/03/02
[NO LONGER IN THE APP STORE] Record up to a minute of sound. Stretch the silences so that it lasts one minute. Or less. Or more.

Click here to rate or write a review for Minute in the app store!
Wind ChimesWind Chimes v1.0.2
First available: 2008/11/24
[NO LONGER IN THE APP STORE] Wind Chimes, simulated via synthesis on the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad! Tilt the phone, hear the chimes! Set on automatic, too!

Click here to rate or write a review for Wind Chimes in the app store!
Lake PianoLake Piano v1.0
First available: 2009/04/16
[NO LONGER IN THE APP STORE] A sampled piano with lots of personality.

Click here to rate or write a review for Lake Piano in the app store!
BansheeBanshee v1.0.1
First available: 2011/04/20
[NO LONGER IN THE APP STORE] Send and receive short text messages as audio.

Click here to rate or write a review for Banshee in the app store!
Yes SessionYes Session v2.0.5
First available: 2011/06/17
An app which encourages you to brainstorm!

Click here to rate or write a review for Yes Session in the app store!
See App Store Details
PolyHarpPolyHarp v1.0
First available: 2018/11/28
A virtual instrument with 1000 strings, impossible chords and Stygian depth!

Click here to rate or write a review for PolyHarp in the app store!
See App Store Details
Line HumLine Hum v1.0
First available: 2021/11/01
Brings back that line noise hum you miss - and more! An AUv3.

Click here to rate or write a review for Line Hum in the app store!
See App Store Details
KCB DonutsKCB Donuts v1.0.1
First available: 2020/08/20
Pictures of donuts from the Kingston Candy Bar! [Messenger stickers]

Click here to rate or write a review for KCB Donuts in the app store!
See App Store Details
Mixie StixMixie Stix v1.0.1
First available: 2020/08/20
Pictures of the beautiful Mixie the Cornish Rex Cat! [Messenger stickers]

Click here to rate or write a review for Mixie Stix in the app store!
See App Store Details
(For Deep Listening Institute) Turns movement into sound!

Click here to rate or write a review for AUMI in the app store!
See App Store Details
Andymatic ZingatronAndymatic Zingatron v1.0
[NO LONGER IN THE APP STORE] (For WFMU) 120 Andy Breckman Zingers at your fingertips!

Click here to rate or write a review for Andymatic Zingatron in the app store!
True Love NowTrue Love Now v1.0
(For SHOMI. Inc.) Great Relationships Begin Within Card Deck

Click here to rate or write a review for True Love Now in the app store!
See App Store Details
Verna AppVerna App v1.0
[NO LONGER IN THE APP STORE] (For Verna Gillis) Keeps track of your friends' and relations' food preferences, allergies, and avoidances.

Click here to rate or write a review for Verna App in the app store!
© 2008-2024 Henry Lowengard.