Java interface to the Internet Synthesizer!
This is the fastest way to use the Internet Synthesizer!
- Just drag lines from the red to the blue plugs to set up
a connection.
- Draw the line again to erase a connection.
- Click on a number to change it (it will set itself to 0).
Negatives and decimals are O.K.!
- Click on the cycling buttons to change from Sin to Square wave, etc.
- Reset the whole thing with the Reset button!
- Many wires at the same destination will sum up!
- The output is always rescaled,so don't worry about overflow!
- May not work when your Browser is running on Windows platform!
Finally, whack the GO! button to send it to the synthesizer on
the server, and receive a sound.
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Henry Lowengard,
jhhl (at) / 110 Fair St. / Kingston NY 12401
© 1996-2007 Henry Lowengard