New Gadget Madly In Hope

On: 29 December 2008

Wind Chimes 1.0.1 Live

Wind Chimes went live on Dec 22 (while I was away) so - enjoy it!

Next time I revisit it I may add fix things that have annoyed me about it for a while:
- maybe drop the sample rate so the sound won't break up so much while keeping the latency fast.
- fiddle with the timbre some more (you may have noticed that the attack portion of the sound is a bit modulated and "noisy" now.
- make the settings "word free" for better internationalization (that's a lot of design work, actually)
- get the automatic mode (or "raindrop mode", as I'll probably rechristen it) to work when the phone has the hold switch on.
- new chimes , movements, backgrounds, etc.
- come up remembering the last chime used. I don't know if I'll be making a whole chime-saving interface or social interface, but this is easy!

posted at 14:03:15 on 12/29/08 2008 by jhhlnet - Category: General


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